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Linguetta in pelle con impressa la scritta D.A.T.E. Lacci in cotone. Codice e logo quadrato impressi lateralmente. Banda laterale in pelle colore avorio. Talloncino in pelle colore avorio. Soletta interna rialzata di 2.5 cm per un migliore comfort. La suola in gomma, alta 2.5 cm, è cucita e leggermente sporcata per donare un effetto used. Tutti i materiali selezionati sono Made in Italy. Vestibilità: REGULAR Codice: W411-C2-VC-WH
AT YOUR PLACE. is the simple acronym of the names of the four young founders of the Project. In 2005 the 4 met in London, where they were dissatisfied with their working lives and decided to jump into an ambitious project: to create their own line of sneakers. With various difficulties they prepare the first sample set, composed of a few very original items.